Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barrow in a Nutshell

While perusing the internet to prepare for the adventure that is almost upon us, I felt it would benefit our reader's to have an idea of what we will be experiencing as far as culture, climate, etc. goes. To help you better understand what we will be encountering, a few sites have been linked for your reading pleasure.

This link brings you to the Barrow Sea Ice Webcam. It really shows the proximity of Barrow to the Arctic Ocean. If you are checking this link in the evening, the time stamp on the bottom is correct. Do not let the dim sunshine fool you, the hours of sunshine will be increasing as the days progress. By the end of our stay in Barrow, we will be experiencing somewhere around 20-22+ hours of daylight.

The next link provides a brief snapshot of Barrow life which includes tidbits on their climate, their Inupiat heritage and even some description of their subsistent whaling. Barrow may be small in population, but it's mighty rich in tradition.

Lastly, this link is a two-part segment ESPN put together on the Barrow High School football team. The article and clips show a town coming together and supporting one another through a momentous occasion. It really shows the tight-knit community Barrow has created. Their main focus is not necessarily the finer things in life that most of us adore, but rather their focus is on one another.

Feel free to chime in with questions, comments, or even words of wisdom. The 5 of us will be writing almost daily and would most certainly enjoy the feedback and encouraging thoughts. Thank you for all the support and we hope this blog offers an insight to our experiences.


1 comment:

  1. Is the are you are in visible on the pic at the top of the blog? If so can you mark it for those of us that are following you along your journey?

