Monday, April 26, 2010

Electric Smile

Hello and welcome to Monday! We have entered the home stretch! After a no-show van again, our trusty "Barrow Dad" Steve, whizzed in to bring us to school. I guess that's just Barrow, and we're getting used to it. Steve found out he will be going to a last-minute conference this week, so we may have to try dog mushing in to school if the van can't bring us...we're sure thankful for all he does for us!

For the Middle school girls--Alyssa, Molly, and myself--there are only 2 days left of class instruction. We all are placed with 8th graders (though Alyssa also splits between the 6th graders) which means that we end early for "8th grade promotion". It's like graduation, but students are celebrated for coming this far, and being promoted to the high school. Because many students' parents and grandparents only went to school through the 8th grade, going to high school can be new territory. For this reason, we will be taking Wednesday to tour the high school in attempt to make the transition easier. On Friday we'll have locker clean out, and then next Monday and Tuesdays' time will be spent practicing for promotion, trying on their caps and gowns, and practicing standing in alphabetical order, etc. Promotion will happen in the evening, followed by a 8th grade dance. I have never been to a "promotion," so it should be interesting!

Today I really had fun with students working with electricity. We were talking about circuits, and students had tried lighting a light bulb using a battery and some wire. I was stressing how the circuit had to be composed of conductors (rather than insulators) in order for the bulb to light, and a girl asked a question about whether the braces in her mouth were conductors, and if they would work as part of a circuit. Of course, I had the whole class gather around and watch our attempt to answer her question. Let me tell you, I had their undivided attention--nobody was asleep then! I'm including a picture to prove that indeed it does work! (Hopefully it was memorable enough to also stick the definition of a circuit and a conductor into their brains, but we'll see on their post-test tomorrow!)

Tomorrow is a new day!

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