Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sad Day in Barrow

Today was a difficult day for all of us here in Barrow. The reason why it was so hard is because our advisor, Michele Koomen, left this morning. It was hard to say goodbye to our last visiting member from Gustavus, but all of us were able to hold back our tears and get through this difficult time. I would like to thank all of our advisors for everything they did for us while here in Barrow. No words can explain how grateful we are to have all of them guiding us through this experience. Once Michele left, all of us went back to bed for a couple of hours until it was time for brunch. Like always, brunch was amazing!!

After brunch, the crew parted ways again with one goal in common, finish planning for the week. Everyone knows how much us teachers enjoy doing that. Once everyone was done planning or should I say tired of planning, we came together as a crew and watched a movie. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa was the movie we decided to watch. Personally I thought the movie was great and recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.

Later on, Tony joined us for dinner and Scattegories. It's always great to have Tony around because we can ask him questions we may have or simply listen to advice on certain issues within the school. He is an excellent teacher and has really helped all of us grow as individuals while in Barrow. Overall, the evening was a low key night. Everyone finished their planning and relaxed in preparation for the week ahead. Travis and I are looking forward to tomorrow because it's PJ day at the Ipalook Elementary.

This upcoming week and weekend, we hope to tour the town a little more and line up some different activities. Dog sledding, polar bear watching, and the museum top our lists on things we want to do or see before we leave. Thanks again for all of our support during this awesome experience!!

Peace, Love, and Whaling,

Captain Justin

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