Tuesday, April 27, 2010

miss the color green..

Hi all!
Another weekend in Barrow has come and gone. I slept from about 4:30 yesterday until school this morning! ha. It felt AMAZING :) Anyways, we are finishing up with our instructional teaching days this week at the middle school. Here is our schedule (for the middle school) for the rest of the week:

Tomorrow: the 8th graders go on a tour of the high school, so that should be fun!

Thursday: Academia Day- we will be talking about writing applications to colleges and private high schools (also Gustavus of course).

Friday: Clean out lockers, and practice for 8th grade promotion ceremony.

So as you can see we are really down to the wire with teaching in the classroom. The college students have all moved out and the dorms feel much more quite.. Hopefully we will be getting some students from Mexico at the college that will be here through an exchange program. But no one seems to know exactly when they are coming, so we might just miss them. The food is still fantastic, as always, and today at lunch we will be having super nachos (my personal favorite), so needless to say it should be a great day at barrow middle school (knock on wood). I am looking forward to warmness and green grass!

Much love,

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