Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hump Day

Wednesday has come and gone, which means the weekend is in sight. The girls are winding down their teaching stints at the middle school, which is a bittersweet thing. They seem to be setting up some good opportunities for them to check out the high school, observe other classrooms and possibly help assist the elementary classrooms if time allows. It will be nice to interact with them and have them see the 8,9,10 year olds are up to in our neck of the woods. Otherwise, we are hoping to get up a time with Geoff this weekend to check off dog-mushing on our to-do list. It would be quite the experience, and we hope that his schedule is clear enough to fit us in. With whaling, other tours and prior obligations going on, it may be hard to pencil us in his already busy life. We will have to keep you posted on those details as the weekend fast approaches.

On a side note, I am going to be assisting Justin's 4th grade classroom tomorrow at the underground tunnel. You may be asking yourself why would a class go see these kinds of things? I asked the same question. It seems that the students get to travel underground and virtually see Barrow's water supply in action. Apparently it's a pretty cool thing, and a usual trip for classes to go on. Justin and I are probably more excited than most of the kids are, but hopefully it will fire them up and keep them engaged. Otherwise, we are really winding down our time here and it is crazy to think how time flies. We only have 7 days left in the schools. It seems like just yesterday we stepped foot off of that airplane and asked each other what in the world did we get ourselves into. We still have things to accomplish and take care of before our time here ends, but the end is definitely in sight. Enjoy the stretch towards the weekend and feel free to ask any questions you may be wondering.


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