Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So Molly decided to blog this morning after her massive amount of sleep, thus I don't have much to say besides general comments on the time of year. According to the radio this morning, the sun will set at approximately 11:55 pm today. This brings the total daylight to 18 hours and 63 minutes as the radio announcer so wisely proclaimed. (get it? 63 minutes. alright.) The boys finally decided to take action and blocked the sunlight from coming in their windows using any means necessary. It actually works and they're probably snoozing right now.

Tonight was rather relaxing. Justin, Rachel, and I went to the gym to work out around 7:30 pm. When we left, I luckily had my sunglasses still in my coat pocket, so my eyes were able to enjoy a break from the sun. Yes, at 8:15 pm I was still in need of my sunglasses. When I go to bed soon, the sun will be up, and when I wake up, it'll be up again. I'm beginning to understand why the kids are so tired all the time.

Besides that, as Molly said, the middle school student teachers will be going to the high school tomorrow, which will be the first time we'll be able to see actual classrooms in the high school. So far we've only seen the gym from Prom, the Inupiat Studies Room, and the pool, which apparently acts as a large water reserve in case a fire breaks out in town as the ground is too cold for fire hydrants. It's one of those things you don't have to think about in Mn, but here it's a struggle. Similarly, the high school building is built in four separate wings, each with a longer hallway as a walkway between. In case of a fire, a bulldozer will just plow through the walkways to contain the fire to a single wing. Smart right? Lastly, when we went to the parade a few weeks ago, we noticed how big the fire trucks were. Turns out, they have to act as the fire truck and the water truck, again because fire hydrants don't exist here.

I think that's enough for tonight. Wish us luck looking after all our students at the high school tomorrow! Night!


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